
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Matthew 24:12)

Anyone that halfway pays attention to the news – even the “lame-stream-media” – can see the unprecedented rise in crime these days. Mobs of black young people ransacking stores and running off with thousands of dollars’ worth of high-end merchandise. (I am not being racist; I am just stating the obvious for anyone paying attention. Security cameras don’t lie and they are not racists.) They get away with it because police are not allowed to stop them and leftist district attorneys refuse to prosecute them.

Many major American cities are infested with homeless people living in tents along major thoroughfares and some in neighborhoods. They use the streets as their toilets and numb themselves with illegal drugs. Rather than enforce no-loitering laws to clean up the streets, many cities dole out sanitary syringes to keep drug abusers from contracting hepatitis. Very compassionate!

Then there is the Black Lives Matter organization (many of whom are self-deprecating white people), which cares little about black lives and looks for any opportunity to riot and burn down private businesses. Who will be the next black man that violently resists arrest and gets himself killed by police to give these thugs an excuse to riot?

Crime is not limited to the “dregs” of our society. Crime exists in the highest levels of our government. There too, depending on the political party affiliation, crime goes unpunished. Without delving into the details, all one needs to do is mention the names – Clinton, Biden, Comey, Fauci, Palosi, Garland, etc. These treasonous lawbreakers make millions of dollars from the positions entrusted to them by American taxpayers, and the law seems to bypass them. In the meantime, the “Injustice Department” persecutes and prosecutes anyone who dares to challenge their status quo.

Quoting Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries, “What did you think the end-times would look like?” In the verse above, Jesus responded to His disciples when they asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus gave a detailed description of what the end-times would be like just before His return. One of the characteristics He gave was that “iniquity shall abound” (Matthew 24:12). The Greek word translated as “iniquity” is anomia, meaning “no law.” The Strong’s Dictionary defines it as “illegality, that is, violation of law or (generally) wickedness.” We see that everywhere. One does not need to be that old to notice the rapid rise in lawlessness, and it is happening worldwide.

In the same sentence, Jesus said, “the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). Surprisingly, the word Jesus used for “love” is agapē. That is the “unconditional” love given to another, whether deserved or not, and without expectation of reciprocation. Generally speaking, there is near zero of that kind of love being expressed anywhere. Love is certainly waxing cold.

The lack of love manifests in a variety of ways. In his final words to his protégé, Timothy, Paul predicts the loveless character of people in the “last days.”

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, emphasis mine)           

Let us examine some of these characteristics more closely. “Lovers of their own selves” characterizes egocentrism, self-centeredness, selfishness, etc. Marketers feed into the egocentrism of their target audience with the idea that “it’s all about YOU!” Self-love gives rise to covetousness, which in its essence is a desire for what others possess. Self-love also feeds the desire to “boast” about oneself whether the boast is justified or not. Self-love makes one “proud,” often without basis. Self-lovers are often “blasphemers” in that they attribute any praise they receive, whether from others or by self-delusion, to themselves rather than giving the glory to God. Such blasphemy takes many forms and finds its roots in humanism. Many scientists and those who worship “science” fall prey to that. They reject God and attempt to explain all of Creation by natural means, and attribute all human advances in medicine and technology to the inexhaustible (by their reckoning) abilities of mankind. That is blasphemy!

That they are “disobedient to parents” needs little explanation. One trip to Walmart ™ and watching some parents trying to control unruly children gives ample support for this truth. However, the result of such unruliness in children is the lawlessness of young adults. This is also characterized by “incontinence” (mentioned later on in the list). “Incontinence” here has nothing to do with the inability to control one’s bodily functions. In the King James vernacular, it simply means “lack of self-control.” It is the idea that “if it feels right, do it,” regardless of whether it is unlawful, immoral, or offensive,” and it plays right along with self-love. “To thyself be true” is the mantra. That, by the way, is satanic.

They are “unthankful” because they believe that anything that comes to them is due to them because they are “worth it.” They are “unholy,” the opposite of “holy,” which means to be “set apart” for God’s purposes. The “unholy” have no place for God.

They are “without natural affection.” I used to think this had to do with homosexuality. What it really means is to not have “natural affection.” The three English words translate the single Greek word “astorgos.” “Storgē” in Greek is “familial love” – the love one has for one’s natural family. The “a” prefix negates the word. Therefore, these people have no natural affection or love for their own families. This also springs from self-love.

All of these characteristics are interrelated and they stem from egocentrism. They are “trucebreakers,” i.e., they cannot be trusted to keep their word. They are “false accusers” – we see a lot of that going on with all of the Trump indictments. They are “fierce,” i.e., savage, violent, combative, etc. That they are “Despisers of those that are good” is demonstrated daily against those who are “pro-life,” those who promote heterosexual marriage, those who rightly believe humans do not cause “climate change,” those who stand for Judeo-Christian principles, those who believe and preach the Bible, etc.

They are “traitors;” they cannot be trusted. They are “heady,” i.e., rash, reckless, precipitate (i.e., “rushing headlong or rapidly onward”). They are “high-minded,” i.e., they think too highly of themselves (Romans 12:3), false pride. “Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God” once again comes back to self-love, selfishness, and egocentrism.

The saddest part of this list suggests that some of these people pretend to be “Christians.” They have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” Many pulpits across our nation are filled with this kind that speak using “Christian” vocabulary while preaching that not all of the Bible should be taken verbatim. They teach that we should detach ourselves from the Old Testament and that many New Testament teachings, especially those of Paul, were specific to the culture of his time and do not necessarily apply to our day and time – women in the pulpit, for one example.

Jesus said that in the latter days, “… many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:11-12). Do we not see all of this coming to pass before our eyes? If Jesus’ Word is true (and it is), then His return is very near.

I have published an extensive study on the Book of Revelation and the end-times detailing the events that will transpire during the Tribulation. You can find that on my “Revelation” page. Reader, are you ready to meet the coming Lord Jesus at His return? If not, please read my page on “Securing Eternal Life.”


Filed under Apologetics, Bible, Christianity, Current Events, End Times, Eschatology, Gospel, Religion, Second Coming of Christ, Theology

2 responses to “Lawlessness

  1. Great post, thxOur pastor preached on a1 Thes. 5 this morning & talked about date setters … 1988, Harold Camping etc.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  2. Great post Ernie.
    I find it hard to understand why any state would want to be easy on crime, as it creates more crime..
    It is good you have a Revelation page, you offered an excellent study on the end times.